Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Trip to the Dentist

Yesterday I had to bring the girls to the dentist. Vica needed to start getting fillings for the six cavities she has and Natasha needed to have her cleaning and fluoride treatment.

When I told Vica earlier in the morning that she'd be going to see Dr. Mason, she jumped up and down and said "Yeah!!!" I asked her if she knew what was going to happen and she nodded yes and made a noise like a dental drill and pointed to her teeth. Oooooooookay....... We got to the office and the girls were ready to go- they both did great. Dr.Mason was able to do three of the fillings and Vica came through it wonderfully- no anesthesia required. This of course completely amused him because Mommy happens to be the Doctor's biggest chicken of a patient in the entire practice. I want him to give me anesthesia if he's even going to TALK about drilling my teeth.

On Sunday Vica had a birthday party for one of her classmates. This was another first for her and she really had fun. Being new to the motherhood loop, I wasn't sure what the protocol was for these things. I'm from back in the day when your Mom dropped you off at a birthday party and left tire tracks down the road to make the most of the two hours she had, kid, or at least semi-kid free. Apparently, this is not the way it works today. I was expected to sit on a folding chair for 2 hours watching 22 shrieking, screaming 7 year old girls dance and play games. The other choice I had was to engage in conversations with the other mothers and since I didn't know anyone they were gossiping about, that was out. All of this without the benefit of alcohol. Seriously though, it was so nice for me to see how loved Vica is by her new friends. They ran up to her hugging her and kissing her, jumping up and down with excitement that she was there. It's what any Mom wants for their child, but this is more than I could have asked for so soon. I also observed another maternal rite of passage and had a play date requested for Vica- oh boy, something else for me to agonize over.

Do you see the pattern emerging here folks? Orphan child leaves everything familiar to her behind and lands on planet America- adjusts as if she's been here forever. Mom who's been dying to have kids most of her adult life can't figure out how to negotiate a play date. Oh brother..... thankfully Vica is still so enamored of me that she STILL thinks I can do no wrong and that everything I do is just wonderful (except when I make her eat broccoli) so while I've still got about ten seconds left of that lasting, I'll take advantage of it while I fumble through these new experiences and hopefully I won't come out on the other side of it all as Complete Dork Mom!

1 comment:

Sam Sylar said...

I've found that mothers hang around if they are friends with you and at school parties, the mothers of the school friends clear off!!!! We had several screaming kids in our house for 2 hours at Ben's birthday and only a couple of mothers (both my friends) around. You should have gone to get a pedicure somewhere!!!
