Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ooooooooooh, this Motherhood thing ain't easy!

Okay, I know I owe a major post about what's been going on. We've been really busy all Summer and the girls have started school and dance classes this fall. I promise, I'm just going to whine myself a little teeny-tiny bit and then I'll get to the girls and all they've been up to, PLUS pictures by the middle of next week.

I just wanted to post this for all of the other Mom's like me out there, or the Mom's to Be who are thinking about the same thing.

I hate being around other women.... especially women and their kids. Okay, I've said it, it's out.

Now, I know this sounds completely anti-social and you may be thinking I've got not friends, but just the opposite is true. I love my girlfriends, and their children. I love spending time with them.

I just hate being part of the breeding herd. You know, that group of Moms that tend to congregate wherever children are. If you take your child to one of these places, you're kinda immediately supposed to join the herd and begin chatting about your offspring. Before I had kids I used to think this was just about the most boring waste of time there ever was. Naturally I assumed this was because I didn't have any children.

WRONG! I still hate standing around with a bunch of women talking about our kids. I love my kids, I really do. And I do talk about them- heck, I've even got an entire blog devoted to the little buggers. BUT SHEESH!!!! WHY DO WOMEN FEEL THEY MUST FILL EVERY SINGLE SILENCE WITH INANE CHATTER?????????


What, you ask yourself has brought about this little rant???

Dancing school, that's what.....

Yesterday, Natasha started her pre-ballet class. It started at 9:45. So, we got there at 9:40. The waiting room was full of other Mothers (with a few Dads thrown in, and I won't even talk about them here because I can't even think of enough non-swear words to use and don't want to offend my more moral readers) The level of high-pitched chatter was deafening!!! You couldn't even hear the 14 little/big brothers and sisters that also got dragged along for this event . Oh, did I mention this room measured about 20 by 10 feet??? That, coupled by a serious caffeine deficiency and the ever increasing temperature of the room almost had me in tears. But since I had Vica with me, I figured I'd hold it together.

This is just the group from the pre-ballet class. I swear, there had to be 15 adults in the room and there are only 8 little girls in the class. GET A LIFE! Just when I thought, it can't get any worse, it does!!! While I'm sitting there in that sauna, slowly going deaf, in march 6 more mothers with their various progeny needing to sign up for classes, and oh, yeah- we still need shoes, and little snot nosed Ashley here wants to pick out 12 new leotards. UMMM, why dont' you people go shopping maybe more than 30 minutes before the first class starts??????

Okay, so the slowest 45 minutes of my life goes by and out come our little ballerinas. Natasha is momentarily dazed by all of the adults milling around her but finds me and off we go. As I'm walking out the door to the parking lot, I notice, I've got one kid too many! Some sweet little cutie pie must have decided I looked enough like her Mama to follow me right out the door. Or maybe she stood there so long without being able to find her Mama in that sea of morons that she thought she was outside.

Either way, all it means is her Mama couldn't shut up long enough to notice and that really ticks me off.

Okay, whine/rant time is over. Thank you for indulging me and I promise to be onto better, more interesting things next time.


Anonymous said...

I can't even begin to tell you how amusing this story is. I love it! i can't wait till the next post. But of course, Natasha was the cutest little darling there. Tell my babies i love them and give them big smooches from me. love cho-cha hania

Jane said...

Believe me Lisa, I feel your pain. Another peeve of mine are the mothers that rush over to their child on the playground when they even think of falling. they make such a huge fuss over them that these kids are wailing at the slightest knock. I'm usually "OK, what have you done now?" "If you listened to what I'd told you that wouldnt'h ave happened" "serves you right for climbing up there in the first place". Needless to say, if my kids get hurt, they just get up and go on.....

Sue said...

Now I know why I love you! I hate that part of motherhood and I am sure I am the evil woman that they all gossip about because I still cant be bothered trying to be "friends" with all those horrible gossipy women. Oh well it is nice to know there are other people out there like me LOL!