Thursday, June 05, 2008

Mama Bear and Goldilocks

Yeah, I know I've been MIA for awhile, things have been hectic at best, and there hasn't been too much that's "blog" worthy happening. Things are going well, the girls are doing just great and getting ready to finish up the school year, but we had a little incident on Monday, and well, let's just say, it could only happen to me...

I'm home on Mondays which means that I run around trying to accomplish as many things as I possibly can, including taking Natasha to school. So, this past Monday was no exception. I got Vica on the bus and me and Natasha were flying around the local Shop Rite doing the weekly grocery shopping. No sooner had I patted myself on the back for making excellent time in the store than Natasha notified me that she needed to go to the bathroom N O W!!!!!! I know there isn't much time when this type of announcement is made by a five year old. The timing could not have been any worse. I had a cart FULL of food, and had NO idea where the restroom was, as this was not my usual store to shop in. Naturally, the bathroom was on the opposite side of the store and I still needed to checkout if I was going to get her to school on time.

So, I run with her in the cart to the entrance where the bathrooms are located, yank her out of the cart and follow her into the bathroom.

Where I am greeted by the sight of a MAN standing in the middle of the ladies room, and all I'm going to say is that he wasn't in there cleaning the bathroom.

You know all of those sayings about getting between a Mother bear and her cub and how it's not a good idea and if you do it, you'll be very sorry.

It's true.....

Natasha breezes right past this guy before I can even register what's going on and locks herself into the stall to do her thing.

As I feel the blood rushing to my head and I'm checking the guy's hands for a weapon and calculating just how hard I have to come at him to knock him on his psycho pervert pedophile in training @ss and all the while I'm thinking I AM GOING TO KIIIIILLLLLLLLLL YOOOOOUUU!!!!!!!

It occurs to me that I'm standing in the middle of the men's room........

Yep, go back a couple of lines where I say I follow Natasha, who can not yet read into the bathroom.

What was really surprising is how quickly I was able to change gears, I went from murderous outrage to downright apologetic in the blink of an eye. Absolutely brilliant even for someone as close to the edge of insane as I am most days...

The guy was really cool about it and said the doors weren't clearly marked as he had almost gone into the ladies room earlier.



Il Viaggio said...

Hi! I have googled myself to this blog. We also have two kids from Yalta (older than yours) and are planning to travel back this summer. Welcome to visit my blog.

Il Viaggio said...

Hi, I have googled myself to your nice blog. We also have two children from Yalta (older than yours. which Dom Rebenka are you girls from? Welcome to visit my blog.

Sue said...

Wish I could have been a fly on the wall in there LOL!

Jane said...

Goodness 3 blog entries in a month, I can't believe it!!!!