Saturday, June 21, 2008

Viva Viagra!!

In honor of the fact that Viagra is celebrating it's 10th anniversary, there seems to be a flood of commercials for it on just about everywhere besides the Disney Channel.

Anyway, just a few minutes ago, I came in from dropping Vica off at a birthday party to find Matt and Natasha relaxing watching men's golf.

Naturally, you know what commercial came on. In case you haven't see the latest, it's some dork who finds his powder blue tux in the attic and decides to woo the Mrs. by putting it on and then hopefully getting it on with the help of his little blue friend.....

So, I'm sitting there praying that Natasha really isn't paying attention to what's being said because all I can think of is that she's going to ask one of us what sex is.


Back to the commercial, it winds up with Mr. E. D. trying to carry his wife up the stairs, but he decides he probably needs to um, conserve his energy and he puts her down to walk up the stairs and then carries her over the threshold of their bedroom.

How romantic....NOT.

First off, I realize that this drug is being marketed to men so the ad agencies need to wake up and smell the coffee.

No woman in her right mind, after being married for any decent length of time is going to get "in the mood" by the sight of her husband wearing some early 80's prom suit.

I don't know about you, but I know VERY few guys who could actually squeeze themselves into anything they wore 20 years ago- and if you happen to be married to a man who can, you go girl!

I think it would do everyone justice if the next Viagra commercial they show is some guy taking out the garbage without being told, or vacuuming, or picking up his underwear and actually putting them INTO the hamper.

All on his way to Tiffany's........ and I DO mean the jeweler.

Now there's something blue to get a gal in a cooperative mood!

But, as usual, I digress- what I really was getting at was Natasha's reaction to this commercial.

She very innocently turned to Matt and said....

"Do you want to do that to Mama???"

This is the point where I fled the room.

After Matt regained his composure he was able to determine that she meant carry me up the stairs.

I'm just lucky the resident KGB agent wasn't home because she would have kept up a line of questioning that I'm not sure how either one of us would have answered!

1 comment:

Jane said...

I've seen that commercial and I'd be heading down to the divorce lawyer or nearest psychiatrist if that were my husband!!!! Actually, the way I weed out old clothes, that suit would have been long gone!!! I have to say that I am completely shocked at some of the commercials that are on during sports, they have to know that kids could be watching too.