Thursday, February 22, 2007

Mommy goes on a guilt trip.

Yesterday I had a lunch date with two friends that I had been looking forward to for over a month. The weather was finally not freezing and I got to see my friends as well as a few others from work that I've been missing and just enjoyed myself completely.

That is, until I called Matt from the road on my way home. Seems Natasha woke up from her nap with a fever of 103.8. Up until that point I had been patting myself on the back for dealing with my very first round of sick kids in a pretty calm way (totally NOT like me, I might add) even my own Mother paid me the highest compliment in her book telling me it sounded to her that I had everything completely under control.

HAAAAAAAA!, Yeah, right! So, after managing to avoid a speeding ticket, Matt had gotten an appointment with the pediatrician by the time I got home. The poor thing was just miserable and burning up. Luckily the Motrin had started to do the trick right away and she perked up a little, but not much. Then Matt tells me, she's been crying for Mama since she got up.

Uuuuuuuuggggghhhhhhhhh, tear my heart out why don't ya????

Turns out our girl has strep throat. So, she's on antibiotics. Vica seems to have bounced back from whatever bug she had, but then again, we'll see what TODAY brings.

Guess I'll be running over to Costco and buying a case of children's tylenol and motrin. The doctor did say that her fever should be much better by today and probably gone by tomorrow- "Unless she's got something else with the strep" Thanks Doc....

So, after I spent the night planning the quickest route to the local emergency room, the girls slept pretty peacefully and are still sleeping as I type this.

1 comment:

tom said...

Sorry to hear you've been thrown into the arena of sick kids so soon. We have been so lucky with all of ours. Ben was never sick as a baby, Maggie hasn't been really sick yet and Daniel has had one fever that lasted a day and was gone....

Hope they are feeling better today and can enjoy the weekend