Friday, February 23, 2007

The sick house

Natasha seems to be doing better. Her fever hasn't gone over 101 in two days and is mostly near normal during the day. She's just got a cough I can't ease for her. The cough medicine I'm giving her seems to be doing absolutely nothing. Fortunately she's sleeping through the night and even took a 3 hour nap today. Vica's bug is still hanging on, but is much, much better- I forced her to nap too.

Now Matt has fallen ill. He went to the doctor yesterday and she took one look at his throat and told him she wasn't even going to swab it- it was strep throat- so he's laid up with that, a fever and body aches.

At least the dog isn't limping anymore, and I'm trying to avoid being coughed and sneezed upon as much as possible, all while trying not to inhale the steady stream of Lysol I've got misting around every room of the house.

On a positive note, we were able to file for the girl's social security numbers with a minimum of fuss yesterday and we received their certificates of citizenship in the mail today. Complete with a nice letter on White House stationary signed by W his-self!

So, not much more than the obvious going on around here. Hopefully in a day or two the girls will be back on track and Matt will be feeling better too.

Boring stuff, I know........

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