Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I'm making a list and checking it twice...

Or three, four, five, six thousand times a day!!!

Anyone who knows me knows that I am an obsessive list maker- hahhaahha, have another little Motherhood surprise Lisa- make ALL the lists ya want- nothing gets done!

I'm considering it a sign of progress for myself that I made a fairly ambitious list yesterday and got about 90% of it done, and no melt downs for the girls, or me for that matter! Matt was probably very pleased to come home and not find one or more of us in tears.

Just to give you an idea of what my life has become like- we've been home over two weeks and I just got our bags unpacked from the Ukraine trip last night- oh well!

The girls continue to do very well. They met my Aunts and Uncles this weekend and did great. They also got to meet their cousin Angelina and it was so cute to see her and Natasha together as they are the same size.

Everything looks on target for Vica starting school next week. I'm going to go in with her for a few hours the first day and then we'll try an entire day and see how she does. The English is coming along slowly, although I think they understand more and more every day- part of the "problem" is that they have each other to converse with in Russian so there isn't a need to use English as much.

But then again, what do I know?? As I'm finding out- nothing!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear all is going well with Vica and Natasha. About poop tests. One of the parasites that is prevalent in Russia's drinking water is Giardia Lamblia. Many Russians carry it and are asymptomatic. Here, if you get it- its symptoms are severe diarrhea, weight loss and the inability to absorb vitamins and minerals. Many times the tests are false negatives- so there is a need for retests. Bob had it in '85 and he got it here in White Plains. There was a drought so lakes and ponds shrank and pathogens were concentrated. He swam and ingested it. Treatment is easy- one week of pills. Hope you don't get discouraged with all the tests. Soon- this too will pass!! Easy for me to say!! So glad you are all getting around to meet the FAMILY- especially the COUSINS!! New Life- for both the families! It doesn't get better than this! Stay well-with love and best wishes, Ann and Bob