Monday, March 05, 2007

Vica needs a Barbie...

Remember the post not so long ago where I wondered just how long it would take for Vica to make the connection between what she sees on TV and actually wanting to HAVE it?

Time's up! it's official and not only that, but she hit me with two kid favorites-

Lucky Charms cereal and naturally, good ole' Barbie.

The cereal thing was easy- but you know I'm not feeding her Lucky Charms! She's actually quite happy to have Cheerios and asks for cereal now every morning. Natasha likes the cereal part but isn't having any part of the milk that goes along with it. Oh well!

The Barbie thing isn't just ANY Barbie either- they've come out with some kind of creepy Butterfly wing thing- I don't know. I guess I'll have to pay closer attention the next time the commercial is on and Vica drags me by the hand to see it. Too bad her birthday is still 8 weeks away and by then she'll probably want six thousand other things. I kinda get the feeling this is the floodgates just opening.

Oh, and they both also do the take the gift out of the bag, put it down and peer into the bag tearing through the tissue paper looking for MORE thing too!

Well on their way to being typical American kids! LOL!!!

We have a parent/teacher conference tomorrow, so I'll update more on that for those of you still reading this boring stuff!

1 comment:

Sue said...

It is called Barbie Fairytopia and they have lots of fun stuff for it LOL! Jillian got a set of Barbie Fairioke wings for her birthday I kid you not they are fairy wings that have a microphone that they can sing into. Oh this Barbie stuff is lots of fun, how bout the one with the dog that eats and poops big fun LOL! I am just learning about Barbie myself since Bri never had an interest in her she is into animals much more my style I should get her the pooping dog for her birthday.