Thursday, March 01, 2007

Vica loses a tooth and the Teacher Death Stare

Everyone is finally feeling almost 100% around here. No one is as happy as Mama around here.

Vica lost her first tooth (with us) Matt and I naturally thought this was a big deal. We tried to explain the concept of the tooth fairy. I got the Russian equivalent of "Yeah, whatever, Mom"She was more excited about GETTING the tooth OUT. Matt jokingly told her about the string around the tooth/doorknob trick- she was all ready for him to do it. Once the tooth was out she was completely enthralled by the hole it left behind and the fact that it was grossing her little sister out. When she woke up and found the 5 bucks under her pillow (Matt's call, not mine- it would have been 1$) she simply told me to put it in her piggy bank- excitement over....

The kids are all back in school this week, so this will actually be Vica's first full week of school. We had some not eating her lunch issues earlier in the week, but they seem to have resolved themselves. Tuesday she came home with Spanish homework. My first reaction was that I hoped she wasn't getting confused. She had the worksheet completed pretty well considering. I just have to laugh- I guess this qualifies her as being tri-lingual???? Oh, by the way, anyone know the Spanish work for the color Purple?? It's driving Matt crazy, and my 4 years of French 25 years ago won't help here either :)

Matt has been reading the complete works of Dr. Seuss to the kids every night before bed and they just LOVE it- can't tell you how happy that makes both of us- they both are starting to memorize the stories too- it's VERY cute!!

Natasha has been crying almost every day when Vica gets on the bus- it doesn't last long, but I've got to get on the ball to get her into some kind of preschool program. With her being sick, that set everything back a few weeks. Right now she's enjoying watching Cinderella 3 snuggled up with Sophia on the sofa. I finally broke down and got a stroller to cart her around in. What was I thinking???? This Motherhood thing seems kinda slow to sink in on some levels. Here I am with my 40 year old back and knees lugging this toddler around- can you say STUPID! She absolutely loves riding around in it like the queen-in-training she is. Matt put it together with Vica last night- he said she had it figured out before him. Kristin- if you're reading this, I know how hard you're laughing right now.....

This weekend we're going to start getting the larger bedroom re-painted to be the girl's new room. Our neighbor, Debbie gave the girls these gorgeous butterfly decorations as part of their welcome home gift and I think I'm going to do the room around that theme.

Oh, I almost forgot, I caught the Teacher Death Stare from my own husband in my own house the other night- the nerve of him! Matt was doing homework with Vica while I had the audacity to speak to Natasha in the other room- I wish you could have seen this look I got for disturbing his lecture, I mean "Lesson" I felt like I was about 8 years old getting busted for talking to the kid next to me- not that it EVER happened when I was in school!!!!

Next week I'm gonna pass the kid a note.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

all i want to say is that we love these children and the family they have created with my niece lisa and her wonderful husband matt. god could not have done a better placment of peopole needing each othre and fulfilling the longing need of family,.i believe this family is going to strong, lovingand mostly love one another.all is possible with knowinh you have the immotional support. We love god and he treally does love us.