Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Shopping and Mc Nuggets

We took the girls for their first retail experience yesterday. Matt took the day off from work because I was losing my voice, so once we all started to go stir crazy we decided to take the girls to Walmart and then maybe McDonald's for lunch if all went well...

Wrestling Natasha into the cart was an experience in itself as she didn't quite have the hang of what she was supposed to do and tried to tuck her legs underneath herself. After some assistance from Matt, we got her in and then she really enjoyed being run around the entire store by Daddy.

What was really nice for evil Mama Lisa was the fact that now it was ME getting in the way of everyone with my kids and cart!!! hhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhaaaaaaaa (evil Mama laugh) revenge is GOOD!! because we were in the store at a time while most kids are in school, so now I got to just sit still in the middle of an aisle while the girls looked at and touched everything acting completely oblivious to all around me trying to get through.

I know, it's shallow, it's petty, it's immature- it was GREAT!!!!!!!

We got a few more things for Vica for school and then it was off to McDonald's. I refused to take them while we were still in Ukraine because I was just so anti- the entire place that I decided their first experience with American fast food really should be done in America.

The girls had their first Happy Meal (chicken McNuggets) and they really liked them- imagine that! I'm never gonna be able to get them to eat chicken and french fries at home ever again.

Oh, I almost forgot- yesterday morning, the girls were playing in their room and clear as day, Natasha yells "Papa! can you come here??" Matt and I just looked at each other- in ways her English is coming together faster than Vica's- probably because her Russian vocabulary isn't as extensive. Speaking of which, we meet with the principal of Vica's new school today and hopefully in another week we'll have the immunizations up to speed and off she goes. She asks every single day about going to school, I think the poor kid is bored off her rocker!

Other than that, this should be a quite week, we're getting together at my Aunt's house this Sunday so all of my Aunt's and Uncles can meet the girls- that (hopefully) should be the last large wave of loot to haul home and then I can start getting organized.

I've heard some rumors that some people who submitted dossiers in December have received March appointments, but that there is still some uncertainty regarding dossiers for people still waiting since September (and in some cases, even earlier) I hope all this means is that they are getting it together at the SDA and everyone waiting so long finally has the chance to go an get their kids.

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