Friday, January 05, 2007

Clothing sizes for Victoria and Natasha

First, let me say a huge thank you for the dozens of e-mails we've gotten asking what the girls sizes are etc. Just to let you know, currently the girls are wearing a 3T for Natasha and a 6 or 6x for Vica. I'm sure they will have a rapid growth spurt once they get home, so any range of sizes is more than welcome. The second thing I'd like to stress is that when I'm talking about what we can use, I'm talking more about all you Moms out there who have clothing from your own kids you're looking to recycle. Please, I know so many of you are just itching to go out and ignite the local economy, but you all know how quick kids grow!!! Vica and Natasha will be thrilled beyond belief to have nice clothes, I wish you could see some of the get ups they've had the girls in here. While they are always clean, they tend to run either too big, or in Vica's case, too small- crazy patterns and just generally crummy stuff. They have no idea what's waiting for them at home.

Which brings me to a funny story, that I may or may not have mentioned- if I did, hey cut me some slack, my brain doesn't seem to work in this place too well... Anyway, the last time we were in Kerch they asked me to pick up a frilly white dress for Vica to wear in the Winter pageant they have every year- so off Mama went to the open market. I wish you could have seen this thing. It had more ruffles, bows, lace, doo-dads, etc on it than you could believe. It was also sewn from the thinnest, cheapest fabric I've ever seen. This stuff was two steps up from tissue paper. As if it weren't tricked out enough, the ladies at the orphanage proceeded to sew tree TINSEL all over this thing. For my family reading this, it looked like I bought it on Market Street- for Matt's family, think more Fordham Road on this one. In short, it's a looooooooong way off from Lord and Taylor but Vica thought she was "it" in this thing, I wish you could have seen the HUGE smile on her face and the way she twirled around and around in it. Again, she's got no idea what she's in for once her Grandmas are let loose!

You might remember a recent post where Matt and I had to flee the orphange before Viktor Yanukovitch showed up- I mentioned that he had donated a TV and home theater system for the kids. Last night while we were watching the local news, I noticed the director on TV and all of the sudden there was Natasha! They were showing what was donated and the kids just running around like little nuts all over the place- no sign of the PM though. Gee, I should have hung around to get his autograph after all.

Oh, there is also some debate amongst the male friends out there about the girls getting Yankee jerseys and who's numbers they should be.

I kinda like 13, but Matt won't have it- please feel free to vote!!! LOL

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