Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Marking time in the Crimea

Not too much interesting going on here- but since I've got so much time to kill, just thought I'd give those that check the blog twelve times a day "something" to read.

Went to visit Natasha again today and she's really parroting the English phrases- BUT the accent is just too funny and cute. Hard to keep her entertained outside because all of the playground equipment was wet, but we managed. Her new thing is to share whatever we bring her to eat with us. She loves feeding Matt spoon fulls of her yogurt or pieces of banana because he really carries on in a silly way about how good it is. It's so cute to watch- she's got quite a personality. When you first meet her, she'll probably sit there with her eyes on the floor not making a peep- do not let this fool you :)

Did some more shopping in the open market for clothes for the girls. I'm trying to find a stroller because there is no way Natasha will be able to walk through the airport on her own for very long. Luckily, I've got a few days to work this out. Can't tell you how much I'm missin' Walmart about now.

I got an e-mail from a friend who had her appointment at the SDA a day before us, she got home on Saturday and I just about cried. We really got hung up but we did have to do paperwork in two regions so that got everything slowed down by a few days and put us right in the worst possible spot time wise. That being said, it could be worse (it ALWAYS can) we could be stuck here in a horrible blizzard having problems with our paperwork as plenty of people who traveled before us did. I know people who spent three months (or more) completing their adoptions so there are worse things than walking down by the Black Sea every day on our way to the orphanage and deciding where and what we're going to eat for dinner.

Dad made it back to the US safe and sound. His plane was late taking off from Kyiv so he didn't get through customs at JFK until it was close to midnight Ukraine time and he left our apartment at 4:30 a.m. He still had to go to our house and pick up his car and then drive another 30 minutes home. I'm sure he was exhausted, but GLAD to be home sleeping in his own bed.

Sorry for the complete lack of anything interesting to say, but it will probably be that way until next week and then I won't be able to post while we are in Kerch-


Anonymous said...

Yes, it could be worse, we did two trips, it snowed both trips (and then melted into a teaming river of slush, and we were there in the coldest Winter on record since who knows when!!! Don't you remember us walking to Roschitsa in -25 degree weather down a slope of ice???!!!! Don't even tell me the weather is warm there.....
It takes so much longer when you have two children in different places, just think yourself lucky that you only had one court and didn't have to make a complete new set of your documents for two court dates!!!! When you have older children it takes longer too because the medicals have to be signed off on by several hospital staff rather than just the orphanage doctor (at least that's what happened to us with Daniel).
you are doing fine and will be home before you know it. Then you'll be longing for the peace and quiet you have been used to!!!!

Carol and David said...


I am so glad that I got your blog address. You are hilarious. I am praying everyday that you will get to come home soon. I know your pain!!! I have to say I am sometimes jealous of you...the area you are staying in sounds so nice compared to the very poor town we were staying in. Today will be Chris's first day of school. Cross your fingers for us. I can't wait until you get back and settled in, so that we can have a heart to heart about all of our adventures.
